Are you looking to earn more from every credit card payment? Are you processing in the most optimum environment? CardConnect AIP (CC AIP) will analyze your set up as well as any potential savings. Most implementations take less than 45 minutes and clients with an annual volume exceeding $1 million saved an average of $29,400.

CC AIP is pro merchant and has access to some of the best technology in the industry. Not only do they provide their clients with the highest level of security, they can also lower the cost on certain Mastercard & Visa commercial cards by almost 40%. Members receive best in class with every aspect of CC AIPs model, next day funding, and periodic account audits to ensure there are no issues with your account.


CC AIP is compatible with most ERP & POS systems in the industry



Is paramount on the CardPointe platform. P2PE and Tokenization ensures your customer sensitive data is protected throughout the life cycle of a transaction.

Transaction Management

Access all of your data 24/7 in real-time

Are you maximizing your margins when accepting credit cards?


98% of member statements have resulted in savings. CC AIP has saved their clients over $120 million in fees!

CardConnect AIP’s mission statement is simple, to be the last processor their Clients will ever need, by providing HONEST pricing & service, from people who actually know your business.


Exclusive Discounts from CardConnect AIP


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