by Nicole Szopinski | Jan 17, 2020 | News
Thank you to everyone for coming out to the annual WISA Holiday Party at the Holiday Inn in Pewaukee last night. We would like to give thanks to our sponsors: ADI, Anixter, APD, Cassidy, DSC, H&S Protection, IP Security Reps, JCI, and WHIRC for donating prizes. A special Thank You to Jean Novy for coming out to run our 50/50 scholarship raffle! The raffle brought in an additional $320 to be given to our 2020 WISA Youth Scholarship winners in May. Everyone had a great time, and we are looking forward to next year’s event!

Stu Brehm and Jean Novy drawing 50/50 winner

50/50 Winner Cody Decker-WHIRC with Jean Novy

Blackjack table

Blackjack table

Texas Hold’em
by Nicole Szopinski | Nov 10, 2011 | Milwaukee Licenses
FEES for LB,LF and LV License
First Original Fee-$228 Renewal Fee-$114
Second or Third Original Fee-$114 Renewal Fee-$67
Type LB License. An applicant for a Type LB low-voltage (100v0lts 0r less) burglar and security alarm system contractor’s license or renewal thereof shall submit an affidavit to the effect that a person holding NTS Level II certification will be a bona fide full-time employe of the applicant, and that the NTS Level II certificate holder will have complete and unquestionable authority and supervision over all work regulated by this chapter. The Type LB license holder shall insure that all work related to the installation of the burglar or security alarm system conducted under the license shall be performed by persons holding a minimum of NTS Level I Certification or equivalent as determined by the commissioner.
Type LF License. An applicant for a Type LF low-voltage (100 volts or less) fire alarm system contractor’s license or renewal thereof shall submit an affidavit to the effect that a person holding NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies) Level II Fire Alarm Systems certification or equivalent will be a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant, and that the NICET Level II Fire Alarm System certificate holder will have complete and unquestionable authority and supervision over all work regulated by this chapter. The Type LF license holder shall insure that all work related to the installation of the fire alarm system conducted under the license shall be performed by persons holding a minimum of NICET Level I Fire Alarm Systems Certification or equivalent as determined by teh commissioner.
Type LV License. An applicant for a Type LV low-voltage (100 volts or less) contractor’s license or renewal thereof shall submit an affidavit to the effect that the person holding the license will have complete and unquestionable authority and supervison over all work regulated by this chaper. Pat 22